
Our Story

We built ThredHed as a couple based in San Diego, California. This business began as a passion project. We scoured thrift stores & took turns on our sewing machine curating and making unique clothing to list online. We were always on the alternative side of fashion, and that’s what set us apart. 

Soon, we set-up at our local swap meet, as we had accumulated a hoard of clothing for online sales. The beginning was rough - we had a lot to learn. Over the next year of trial and error, we grew our reselling presence into one of the largest & most popular pop-ups in San Diego. This was a feat, as we never thought our alternative style would rise above most other sellers. During this development, we became a verified Top Seller on Depop with over 25,000 followers. 

We have made this business our entire lives. We are passionate & dedicated. At the end of the day, our loyal customers & messages of support bring us the most fulfillment. We thank all of you that recognize the hard work we put into providing alternative trends at a sustainable level. We love our work, and hope to continue our growth.